Baby Room Inspiration

Since the day I found  out I was pregnant I have been looking at baby rooms all over the internet. We have already painted the room a light grey [Woodsmoke by Eddie Bauer]. I wanted a light, airy backdrop for the bright colors that I am always drawn to. The blue dresser we got pops perfectly against the grey. Since we only have the dresser/changing table in the room so far I have been looking at inspiration for how to dress that area up.

One of my favorite ideas is this pegboard, it’s totally functional with the use of “S” hooks to hang small baskets holding diapers, creams, etc. Plus I love the sort of industrial look it brings to the room. I think I would only use this idea if the room turns out to be a boy’s room though. (Notice the beautiful light grey paint in this example, nice choice!).



I love the next storage idea mostly because I already have a shelving unit nearly identical to the one shown. It is raw wood and just needs to be primed and painted white [courtesy of the husband]. I will probably use this storage piece in the room anyway, even if it’s not above the changing table.



Tomorrow my MIL, Linda and niece, Elise fly into Connecticut! We are planning a girls’ trip to NYC on Thursday complete with a broadway show. On Sunday my father-in-law and brother-in-law will be here, too. It’s the first time they have all been here while Michael is home. Can’t wait!


3 Month Update + Our First Baby Room Buy

Little Blue Dresser’s Craigslist Ad

This weekend Michael and I made an hour trip to get a dresser that I fell in love with on Craigslist. Most people that witnessed me decorate our first home know that I am a Craigslist junkie. I try my hardest to always buy things cheap, but of good quality. I saw these dressers originally posted at $295, then $245 and finally at $195 I contacted them. I asked if they were willing to sell the dressers separately since we just wanted the short one to double as a changing table. The nice woman offered it to me for only $75, score!
The dresser was located a bit out of the way, about 55 miles. I was originally looking for a dresser to refinish but this one was the color I would have used anyway, so it was worth the trip to me. Unfortunately, our one hour drive to the destination turned into almost two hours one way because I accidentally punched the wrong city into the GPS, at least I got the street address right! Once we finally arrived the little blue dresser was waiting for us outside and it is the exact swatch of blue I had pulled at Home Depot a few weeks ago. It is newly refinished and heavy duty wood, no laminate or particle board here!

3 Month Update
This week also marks the last week of my first trimester! Which means I am out of the woods and am finally comfortable announcing the pregnancy to the world. So far I have only gotten sick in the morning one time, let’s hope it stays that way. I have felt pretty normal for the most part, after reading about so many pregnancy symptoms online I imagined myself crying hysterically while doing laundry or vomiting violently everyday. The worst I have had is taking naps and eating a lot, and I find both of those quite enjoyable.
Today I had an ultrasound done with a specialist in fetal medicine. My OB wanted to make sure that our baby’s heart was developing normally due to my medical history. This is done by looking at a little sac of fluid sitting on the back of baby’s neck; if more fluid than normal is present it may mean that the baby is developing with a heart defect or other abnormality such as Down Syndrome. Luckily, everything looks perfectly normal and our baby was squirming around happily the entire time. The ultrasound was pleasantly long so my friend Stephanie and I were able to watch the baby move for about 15 or 20 minutes total. Michael was on duty at work today so he was unable to come to my appointment. Luckily I’ve got a great support network of friends who are more than happy to accompany me. Here are some pics from today:

Baby Profile View


Baby Waving to the Camera

How far along? 12 weeks
How big is baby? Baby is the size of a plum
Total weight gain/loss: No loss here! +1 pound
Maternity clothes? No official maternity clothes, but I am sticking to empire waist and flowing tops to hide my stomach which looks more like a beer gut right now than a baby bump.
Sleep: Wake up at least three times a night, including a trip to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Buying a bigger bra that is actually comfortable!
Movement: No feeling of movement, but I did see the little one swimming around in the ultrasound 🙂
Food cravings: Oranges
Food Aversions: No specific aversions, more of a general “nothing sounds good” attitude.
Gender: Had two dreams so far that it’s a boy.
Labor Signs: None
Pregnancy Symptoms: When I’m tired it hits me like a ton of bricks and I must nap. I’m also STARVING every two to three hours. I threw up for the first time on 6/8 and thankfully haven’t had that experience since. I have to pee a lot more than normal including every night which I’ve never done before.
Belly Button in or out: In!
What I miss: sushi and beer, two of my favorite things.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex and decorating the nursery!
Upcoming appointments/events: 7/2, 14 week checkup
Weekly Wisdom: ALWAYS go pee before you leave the house, and bring snacks in your purse.
Milestones: First ultrasound at 10.5 weeks and everything looks great! Officially the owner of a “C” cup bra, woo!


sonogram6.6First ultrasound on June 6, 2013

On April 20th, 2013, I found out I am pregnant. I took the test after a romantic date of a free movie followed by dinner at Taco Bell, *swoon*. Michael was convinced it was just a “food baby” because of our aforementioned fourth meal. Being the cheapskate I am, I had bought CVS brand pregnancy tests after having a feeling I might be pregnant. Here is some advice: BUY DIGITAL TESTS! The coveted second line appeared so faint it was hard to convince Michael (and myself) that the pregnancy was a reality. I ended up taking two additional tests in the following three days, and finally had a confirmed test at a doctor’s office at the end of the week.

I thought I might be pregnant actually a full week before my period was due. I woke up feeling nauseous the morning of the Navy Birthday Ball on April 13th, and the sickness continued into the night forcing us to leave the ball early. My friend Amber said she just knew I was pregnant. Because I was feeling sick, I took my temperature to make sure I didn’t have a fever and it registered at 98.1, my body usually runs fairly low right below 97 degrees. For those of you that don’t know, your body temperature elevates after conception and stays that way if you are pregnant. This is what made me buy the cheap pack of tests. I’ve peed on a stick before, but this time I was actually really nervous, I couldn’t even bring myself to look at the results. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when it came up + !

Our baby is due December 31st, 2013. Here’s to hoping we have the first baby of the year so we can win free diapers and other awesome things!! Seriously though.